By J 05 Dec, 2019

The last of the leaves fall from the trees joining the clockwise dance that takes place on the earth below, skeleton leaves disintegrate back into the earth.
Wintertime is all about going inwards. Look to nature and you will see how life retreats back inside.
The plants and trees pull their energies back to their underground roots and small animals and insects tuck themselves away until spring.
Jack Frost reminds us to tread gently on the earth, to pause and to slow down.
Our bodies naturally slow down and we have to work harder for circulation, moisture and cell regeneration.
The snow reminds us to stop and see the magic that is all around and to re-connect with our inner child and play.

Wintertime is a wonderful season if you bring the warmth and light inwards!
Create a warm atmosphere and enjoy the good things in life with people that you love. You can’t beat the warm glow of candlelight and cosying up with a loved one for a movie, log fires, cosy nights in, twinkly lights, yummy hot drinks, soups and broths, candlelit baths, throws and hot water bottles. Our own hibernation!
We can rest and relax and make time to nurture ourselves.
Wintertime is a great time to get creative, start a hobby and learn something you’ve always wanted too. Drawing, colouring, knitting, sewing, painting, baking, woodwork, learn a musical instrument.

Kidneys and the adrenal glands are the organs of wintertime, the kidneys filter blood and the adrenals produce vital hormones. Kidneys are the organ for warmth and energy, support these organs now for more energy in the spring. Keep you’re back warm, layers are good, hydrate with water and herbal teas.
Eat kidney nourishing foods like cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, broccoli, flax, walnuts, chestnuts and not forgetting the beans…kidney beans and black beans are best.

Keep the immune system strong by keeping your digestive system strong. 70% Of your immune system is in the gut, the gut is the gateway to good health so treat it wisely. Strengthen your digestion and Immunity with probiotics, we love Optibac Probiotics especially their Everyday extra strength which is 20billion per capsule. Support digestion and over indulgence over the festive period with Digestive Enzymes and Milk thistle.
Strengthen your Immune system with Echinacea, we love A.Vogel Echinaforce, great as a preventative and if you do get cold or flu it is clinically proven to shorten the duration of time that you have it for. Elderberry extract, Vitamin D, vitamin C and Zinc are a must too.
One of our fave products when we are out and about in busy places is a natural first defense nasal spray which contains Nano silver and zinc, great if someone around you has the lurgy too.

And so… as the trees are then left bare after shedding all of their leaves we honour the evergreens and bring them indoors. Wreaths, garlands and trees adorn our homes to celebrate the winter solstice and Christmas. Pine even makes it way into many a bath room cabinet, Pine cough syrups soothing those irritating coughs and pine and cedar bath milks rejuvenating the tired and weary.

As the year comes to a close its time to give thanks and celebrate our friends and family who have been there for us the year through. Parties and gatherings create nutritional ups and downs which dip from excess to cleansing to excess all over again; don’t worry though
Tis the Season to enjoy this wonderful time

Love Julia and Laurence XxX

By Julia 11 Oct, 2019

And so the last of the Summer flowers bloom alongside over ripe fruit waiting to be picked. Amongst the fallen leaves decay begins and as if by magic the homes of fairies appear overnight. Crisp Mornings, dewy grass, diamante webs and hazy sunshine…

The seeds have fallen… What intentions are you sowing? What plans are you developing? Which ones have fruited? Can you nurture them to bloom fully for next Spring or will you allow them to germinate now?

Look to Nature and you will see it's all about letting go of all that no longer serves you. The trees shed their leaves so they can hold more energy in their roots over winter, the seeds that fall find their resting place to burst into life in Spring.

The days get shorter and the sunlight wanes, a time to go inwards, to restore and recharge, strengthening ourselves for the winter months ahead.

See the animals storing food for lean times ahead…are you stocking up your store cupboard too, collecting the fire wood and building yourself up for the colder months ahead?
Adjust your home accordingly… cooler evenings means throws, extra blankets, woolly jumpers and socks! Create cosyness with candles and incense.

The falling leaves are every shade of red, oranges, brown, golds and yellows grounding us to the earth, reminding us to pay attention to our lower chakras and to nurture ourselves daily.
The foods we eat also nourish and ground us to the Earth, broccoli, chard, root vegetables, pumpkins and squashes ground our energies and are comforting and sustaining, apples, pears, blackberries and elderberries packed with vitamin C and antioxidants to strengthen the immune system.

We are so blessed to experience the changing seasons and the magic they can bring!
We love this time of year! Enjoy!

By j 30 May, 2019

Moving in to summer…

Summer is the season of abundance, trees are in full leaf and hedgerows and shrubs are all a vast array of green…the colour of the heart chakra no less! T he heart chakra is associated with compassion, affection, and love. So summer is truly a time to nourish your heart, what makes your heart sing? Go do that.

Summer and its fire element signal a time for communication. The long daylight hours allows us time to enjoy extra time outdoors, a dusk walk by the river, evenings in the garden with friends. Dress up the table outside for a supper club style evening, gather around a fire pit, barbeques and games, festivals and outdoor concerts, sleeping under the stars.

This summer take your exercise regime outdoors; take your workout into the back garden or Local Park. The benefits of exercising in nature show a clear connection between spending time outdoors and a reduction in stress. Plus, fresh air and increased oxygen helps release the feel-good brain chemical, serotonin – meaning your outdoor training sessions not only help keep you fit and healthy, they put you in a fantastic mood too!

Kick off your shoes and make contact with the Earth by walking barefoot on the grass a grounding technique that actually balances the electrical energies of your body and eliminates the symptoms of many inflammation related disorders. It also helps to promote a deeper sleep.


In the summer we naturally crave lighter meals. Incorporate more fresh raw foods into your day. Sprout nutritionally dense seeds like broccoli or alfalfa; we have some great seed mixes for sprouting in store. We like the Bio Snacky seed mixes and germinators.


Hydration is key in the summer, keep a water bottle to hand and sip throughout the day.

Eat cool water rich foods like Cucumber, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Celery these will help keep your body cool inside when it’s hot on the outside, they can also work as natural diuretics getting rid of excess water and toxins. We like to drink coconut water too as a natural isotonic.


If you suffer from Photosensitivity or Prickly heat enhance your anti-aging sun defence from the inside with UV-protective carotenoids like carrots, peppers, tomatoes, watermelon, apricots and greens that contain Beta carotene, Lycopene, Astaxanthin and phytochemicals that help prepare the skin for the sun, alternatively take a Beta Carotene or Astaxanthin Supplement.


When it’s hot we sweat!

Sweating r egulates your body's temperature by allowing heat loss through evaporation so make sure you are sweating better!! Find a Natural deodorant that allows you to perspire but keeps you feeling fresh. Conventional antiperspirant deodorant formulas block your natural detox and usually bung your pours and glands full of toxic chemicals. We love Weleda’s 24hour deodorant and Ben And Anna’s natural soda deodorant.


Flowers are in abundance everywhere, so hay fever might be troubling for some. Struggling with Itchy eyes and throat, sneezing, blocked or runny nose? Conventional antihistamines can make you feel tired and drowsy so why not try a herbal remedy for your hay fever? A.Vogel’s Pollinosan tablets and Nasal Spray are our best sellers in store for hay fever and allergic rhinitis. Taking local honey can be really useful to combat hay fever symptoms, the earlier in the year you start taking it the more effective it will.



Summer is such a wonderful time of the year! Enjoy!

By J 08 Mar, 2019

And here we are…moving in to Spring...

How are you all? Are you slowly emerging out of hibernation? We’ve barely been touched by winter but there is still time as we know...
Now the Sunlight grows stronger, we can feel its warmth on our face. Sap begins to rise, the trees begin to bud… and the cycle begins again.
Plants and bulbs have rested and recharged and begin to show signs of growth, new shoots and dainty flowers begin to bloom.
The birds echo the excitement as their songs fill the crisp morning air alerting all that its time to awaken from sleepy winter slumber and that Spring is here and life once more begins to build in the fresh new light.
Spring is the perfect time to refresh our internal and external environments, cleanse our bodies and our homes. It is time to release all that no longer serves you, to make room for new growth.

This Spring boost your body's natural detox abilities by drinking more cleansing fluids. Increase pure filtered water or mineral water or have a beverage with additional liver supporting properties, like lemon and dandelion. We like Yogi detox teas and heath and heather nettle tea.
Remove dead skin cells and stimulate circulation by using face and body scrubs, Natura Siberica do some lovely ones or you could have a go at making your own.
Skin brushing is also great at this time of year to increase circulation, don't forget to always brush towards your heart to increase circulation and remove toxins.

In Springtime eat nourishing greens each day, try juicing or blending green veggies like kale, celery, chard, spinach into a chlorophyll rich detox drinks. When young dandelion leaves appear add these to your smoothies too! Add powerful pure superfoods to your juices and smoothies we love Super U's Superfoods.
On sunny days tidy up the garden, make room for fresh growth, sow seeds and new intentions; see what is growing and what is not.
When you feel the urge…and when it gets a tad warmer take off your shoes and connect to the Earth! It is proven that the Earth is a natural source of electrons and subtle electrical fields, which are essential for proper functioning of immune systems, circulation, synchronization of biorhythms and other physiological processes and may actually be the most effective, essential, least expensive, and easiest to attain antioxidant!
So go on...give yourself a boost for free!

Springtime is a great time to blow away the cobwebs on long walks in the countryside or by the sea, as the days get lighter and longer and everywhere begins to burst with fresh new life and energy,
So can we!!

By J 05 Dec, 2019

The last of the leaves fall from the trees joining the clockwise dance that takes place on the earth below, skeleton leaves disintegrate back into the earth.
Wintertime is all about going inwards. Look to nature and you will see how life retreats back inside.
The plants and trees pull their energies back to their underground roots and small animals and insects tuck themselves away until spring.
Jack Frost reminds us to tread gently on the earth, to pause and to slow down.
Our bodies naturally slow down and we have to work harder for circulation, moisture and cell regeneration.
The snow reminds us to stop and see the magic that is all around and to re-connect with our inner child and play.

Wintertime is a wonderful season if you bring the warmth and light inwards!
Create a warm atmosphere and enjoy the good things in life with people that you love. You can’t beat the warm glow of candlelight and cosying up with a loved one for a movie, log fires, cosy nights in, twinkly lights, yummy hot drinks, soups and broths, candlelit baths, throws and hot water bottles. Our own hibernation!
We can rest and relax and make time to nurture ourselves.
Wintertime is a great time to get creative, start a hobby and learn something you’ve always wanted too. Drawing, colouring, knitting, sewing, painting, baking, woodwork, learn a musical instrument.

Kidneys and the adrenal glands are the organs of wintertime, the kidneys filter blood and the adrenals produce vital hormones. Kidneys are the organ for warmth and energy, support these organs now for more energy in the spring. Keep you’re back warm, layers are good, hydrate with water and herbal teas.
Eat kidney nourishing foods like cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, broccoli, flax, walnuts, chestnuts and not forgetting the beans…kidney beans and black beans are best.

Keep the immune system strong by keeping your digestive system strong. 70% Of your immune system is in the gut, the gut is the gateway to good health so treat it wisely. Strengthen your digestion and Immunity with probiotics, we love Optibac Probiotics especially their Everyday extra strength which is 20billion per capsule. Support digestion and over indulgence over the festive period with Digestive Enzymes and Milk thistle.
Strengthen your Immune system with Echinacea, we love A.Vogel Echinaforce, great as a preventative and if you do get cold or flu it is clinically proven to shorten the duration of time that you have it for. Elderberry extract, Vitamin D, vitamin C and Zinc are a must too.
One of our fave products when we are out and about in busy places is a natural first defense nasal spray which contains Nano silver and zinc, great if someone around you has the lurgy too.

And so… as the trees are then left bare after shedding all of their leaves we honour the evergreens and bring them indoors. Wreaths, garlands and trees adorn our homes to celebrate the winter solstice and Christmas. Pine even makes it way into many a bath room cabinet, Pine cough syrups soothing those irritating coughs and pine and cedar bath milks rejuvenating the tired and weary.

As the year comes to a close its time to give thanks and celebrate our friends and family who have been there for us the year through. Parties and gatherings create nutritional ups and downs which dip from excess to cleansing to excess all over again; don’t worry though
Tis the Season to enjoy this wonderful time

Love Julia and Laurence XxX

By Julia 11 Oct, 2019

And so the last of the Summer flowers bloom alongside over ripe fruit waiting to be picked. Amongst the fallen leaves decay begins and as if by magic the homes of fairies appear overnight. Crisp Mornings, dewy grass, diamante webs and hazy sunshine…

The seeds have fallen… What intentions are you sowing? What plans are you developing? Which ones have fruited? Can you nurture them to bloom fully for next Spring or will you allow them to germinate now?

Look to Nature and you will see it's all about letting go of all that no longer serves you. The trees shed their leaves so they can hold more energy in their roots over winter, the seeds that fall find their resting place to burst into life in Spring.

The days get shorter and the sunlight wanes, a time to go inwards, to restore and recharge, strengthening ourselves for the winter months ahead.

See the animals storing food for lean times ahead…are you stocking up your store cupboard too, collecting the fire wood and building yourself up for the colder months ahead?
Adjust your home accordingly… cooler evenings means throws, extra blankets, woolly jumpers and socks! Create cosyness with candles and incense.

The falling leaves are every shade of red, oranges, brown, golds and yellows grounding us to the earth, reminding us to pay attention to our lower chakras and to nurture ourselves daily.
The foods we eat also nourish and ground us to the Earth, broccoli, chard, root vegetables, pumpkins and squashes ground our energies and are comforting and sustaining, apples, pears, blackberries and elderberries packed with vitamin C and antioxidants to strengthen the immune system.

We are so blessed to experience the changing seasons and the magic they can bring!
We love this time of year! Enjoy!

By j 30 May, 2019

Moving in to summer…

Summer is the season of abundance, trees are in full leaf and hedgerows and shrubs are all a vast array of green…the colour of the heart chakra no less! T he heart chakra is associated with compassion, affection, and love. So summer is truly a time to nourish your heart, what makes your heart sing? Go do that.

Summer and its fire element signal a time for communication. The long daylight hours allows us time to enjoy extra time outdoors, a dusk walk by the river, evenings in the garden with friends. Dress up the table outside for a supper club style evening, gather around a fire pit, barbeques and games, festivals and outdoor concerts, sleeping under the stars.

This summer take your exercise regime outdoors; take your workout into the back garden or Local Park. The benefits of exercising in nature show a clear connection between spending time outdoors and a reduction in stress. Plus, fresh air and increased oxygen helps release the feel-good brain chemical, serotonin – meaning your outdoor training sessions not only help keep you fit and healthy, they put you in a fantastic mood too!

Kick off your shoes and make contact with the Earth by walking barefoot on the grass a grounding technique that actually balances the electrical energies of your body and eliminates the symptoms of many inflammation related disorders. It also helps to promote a deeper sleep.


In the summer we naturally crave lighter meals. Incorporate more fresh raw foods into your day. Sprout nutritionally dense seeds like broccoli or alfalfa; we have some great seed mixes for sprouting in store. We like the Bio Snacky seed mixes and germinators.


Hydration is key in the summer, keep a water bottle to hand and sip throughout the day.

Eat cool water rich foods like Cucumber, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Celery these will help keep your body cool inside when it’s hot on the outside, they can also work as natural diuretics getting rid of excess water and toxins. We like to drink coconut water too as a natural isotonic.


If you suffer from Photosensitivity or Prickly heat enhance your anti-aging sun defence from the inside with UV-protective carotenoids like carrots, peppers, tomatoes, watermelon, apricots and greens that contain Beta carotene, Lycopene, Astaxanthin and phytochemicals that help prepare the skin for the sun, alternatively take a Beta Carotene or Astaxanthin Supplement.


When it’s hot we sweat!

Sweating r egulates your body's temperature by allowing heat loss through evaporation so make sure you are sweating better!! Find a Natural deodorant that allows you to perspire but keeps you feeling fresh. Conventional antiperspirant deodorant formulas block your natural detox and usually bung your pours and glands full of toxic chemicals. We love Weleda’s 24hour deodorant and Ben And Anna’s natural soda deodorant.


Flowers are in abundance everywhere, so hay fever might be troubling for some. Struggling with Itchy eyes and throat, sneezing, blocked or runny nose? Conventional antihistamines can make you feel tired and drowsy so why not try a herbal remedy for your hay fever? A.Vogel’s Pollinosan tablets and Nasal Spray are our best sellers in store for hay fever and allergic rhinitis. Taking local honey can be really useful to combat hay fever symptoms, the earlier in the year you start taking it the more effective it will.



Summer is such a wonderful time of the year! Enjoy!

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